The Bornö Summer School 2018 centered around the Dynamics and Thermodynamics of the Southern Ocean.
Lectures in the morning, exercises in the afternoon.
L. Arneborg, Guelk, B., Vinter, B., Eden, C., You, C., H&aoml;fner, D., Kaas, E., Özden, G., Nycander, J., Carvalho, J., Afzal, K., Christakos, K., Andreasen, L., Shen, L., Kristensen, M., Jochum, M., Isachsen, P.E., Bardakov, R., Randrup, S., Ynddal, T., Lueschow, V.
Sunday, July 29 to Saturday, August 11 at Bornö Stationen, a small retreat in Sweden (see on map).
The summer school was funded by the universities of Copenhagen, Hamburg, Oslo and Stockholm.